In order to ensure appropriate supervision, students arriving at school prior to 7:40am must report to morning care, which begins at 7:00am.
Families can register for morning care through the FACTS Family Portal.
The cost for Morning Care is $4 per day; $2.00 for siblings and you will receive a monthly bill the first week of the following month.
Please note, for pick-up, please call the after care line at 401-262-0271. After care staff will direct you to the correct pick up location.
Afternoon care is offered regularly from 2:30pm-5:30pm. Please take a moment to review our After Care Policies and Procedures - 2023-24.
After care is billed in fifteen minute increments at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour, with a $1.00 per hour discount for siblings. Please note, there is a minimum charge of $4.50 per day for a child who attends after school care, regardless of pick-up time.
Early Dismissal Days
The school dismisses early on the 2nd Wednesday of each month to provide additional professional development for teachers and staff. On these days, dismissal procedures begin at 1:30pm, and busses run at 1:30pm. Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, after school care will be offered on these days beginning at 1:30pm and running until 4:30pm.
Late Fee
There is a $2 per minute late fee after 5:30 P.M. If a child is continually picked up late, he/she will be asked to leave the after-care program.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mrs. Boiardi at [email protected].
We can be reached during school hours at 401-821-3756.
We follow Coventry's early dismissal/cancellation due to weather. In the event that weather results in Coventry schools or after school activities to close, we are closed. Please make arrangements accordingly.